Wednesday, September 16, 2009

A message on faith

Do you have faith?  Do you believe that no matter what God throws at you, there is a reason?  I always thought I believed that but then God gave my little boy a rare form of brain cancer 4 days after my other son was born.  How do you have faith when that happens?  I have found through this journey that I have MORE faith than before.  You see, when there is absolutely nothing that enables you to get through the day, that is when you learn that you either lean on God or don't make it.  Every day, I have people ask me how I manage to smile, read, and yes, blog....and I have to say that it is God's grace.  I don't understand why God gave my boy cancer but I do know that He has a reason and He needs me to keep day at a find out.  So, today's blog is a message on this faith to hopefully touch someone out there that is living through the same journey as me.


  1. Thanks for those beautiful thoughts! I do have absolute faith that the Lord knows exactly what He's doing. I don't always understand, but I know that the trials He gives us are to help us learn, grow and depend on him more. I haven't been on the same journey as you have, but I was still very touched by this post :)

  2. I found your new blog from Susan. This post was very touching. I hope to follow you in your journey. May God bless you.

  3. Kristin-

    Congrats on starting your blog!

    I don't know if you are familiar with our sister site (all under 5 Minutes for Mom), but you might find a good community of others who deal with medical issues as they mother at

  4. Jennifer- thank you for sharing the site. It is just what I need! It feels like the moms share a lot of what I am feeling!
