Monday, January 4, 2010

A new year, a new book, and resolutions!!

I apologize for my long absence!  It has been a little crazy around here with the holidays and my two boys!  As one of my New Year's Resolutions, I have resolved to do better with my little blog here!  I am going to blog at least once a week, even if it is not a book review.  I really want to try to build some readers to my site so I have to provide content to make that happen!  If you have stuck with me in my absence, please share my address so I can get some more readers!  I hope you all had as blessed a holiday as my household did!  Did anyone else make a resolution?  Please feel free to share it here.  You have to let the world know what your resolution is to make it real, right?  That way, you have some accountability!  Over the last two months, I read every Sara Dessen novel written!  If you have not read her books, you must check them out!  My favorites were Lock and Key, and Just Listen.  Her books are very quick reads!  I also began and did not finish Perfect Fifths by Megan McCafferty. I liked her other books but I just could not get into this one.  I felt like she was trying to hard to be funny and it came off as just cheesy.  It had very little plot from the beginning and I guess I could have given it more of a chance, but I have to many other books waiting!  I am about to start reading Waiting to Surface, by Emily Listfield.  I hope it's a good read!  Please check back for a review in a few days..I promise! Thanks for sticking with me and I will do better with my posts in the new year!

1 comment:

  1. Hey! So glad to see you back. I'm excited to read your weekly posts :)
